Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon

The movie "Dog Day Afternoon" was in ways much different than any of the other movies that we have seen in class but at the same time it incorporates some of the same themes that we have seen in the other films that we have watched. One way that I feel this movie was different than the others that we have seen, is the fact that the main character Sonny Wortzik (Al Pacino) was the bad guy and not a "hero". You can make the argument that Sonny is a hero especially to the crowd that is outside of the bank that he is attempting to rob or to Leon Shermer (Chris Sarandon) his wife who he is robbing the bank for, so that he will be able to afford a sex change.

I however do not feel that Sonny is a hero, I believe that he is trying to be but he goes about his "heroism" in the wrong way. While trying to help the one that he loves, he only creates more problems for everyone. For one he is putting himself and others in danger, putting himself in this situation only causes more grief for himself, his loved ones, his partner Sal (John Cazale) and all of his hostages. Another way that what he is doing is causing problems, is he is creating a stressful environment for Leon. Leon has been in a mental institution and is in no way mentally stable, his actions bring Leon into the situation when he does not need to be around all this stress. I don't think that Sonny thought through all of the repercussions of his actions, even if he had I am not sure if he would have changed his mind about his plan to rob the bank.

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