Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Coming Home

The film coming home was an interesting view on how different people dealt with the Vietnam war. I liked how the main story was between two people who were not actually in the middle of war but were directly effected by it. Jon Voight and Jane Fonda's characters had negative experiences that were brought on by the war, these experiences gave them a common bond and brought the two of them together.
It seems to me that from the beginning of the movie that Jane's character is not very happy in her relationship and that she does not support her husband's choice of career. It's almost as if when she started working at the hospital she was trying to fill some sort of a void that she feels her husband should fill. When Jon's character came in she found what she was looking for, someone who she felt understood her.
When we fist saw Jon's character in the movie it showed us that he was very bitter from his experience in the war. It seemed to me as if he felt that he was not getting the gratitude that he should after being injured in the war. It again seems like Jon was trying to fill a void, at first he would just drink to make himself feel better. Once he met Jane he too found exactly what he was looking for to fill his void.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Long Goodbye

This movie was very interesting, at first I found myself completely lost in the story. His cat was hungry so he went to the store to get cat food, next thing you know his friend is popping up at his house asking him for a ride to Tijuana. I felt as if the movie was going nowhere but as it progressed I found myself really getting into the story.
It was not one of those movies that you can predict what is going to happen next, just when I thought I had it all figured out the story would take a turn that I was not expecting.
I would like to go back and watch the movie a second time just so I would be able to catch anything that I had didn't notice the first time around.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Five easy pieces

I think that one of the main struggles that Robert dealt with was brought up by Catherine, when she told him that he couldn't love anyone because he had no love for himself. The whole movie it seemed like he was trying to fill some sort of void, he was never content with his girlfriend. He was always trying to find satisfaction by getting with other women but it seems that after he was with those other women he ended up being unhappy. I think that the lack of self love came from his relationship with his dad, it seemed that his dad was upset that Robert didn't follow in his footsteps.